![]() Who needs writing and editing Software?Anyone who writes benefits from using our software. If they use Microsoft Word, StyleWriter is ideal. The magazine What PC awarded StyleWriter the accolade: ‘Best Word-processing Add-on’. Our highly acclaimed software can improve the writing standards and skills of everyone from administrative staff to professional journalists. The business case for clearer writing is overwhelming. The savings to organizations in time, administration and increased sales are massive. There’s a huge market out there. Promote a winning software solution
StyleWriter solves writers’ problems. Most of us, especially at work, read thousands of poorly written documents. We then unknowingly pick up poor writing habits from these documents and soon our writing becomes dull and long-winded. This makes it difficult to get our message across because it’s hidden under long sentences, dull word choice, jargon, wordiness and a host of similar problems. StyleWriter breaks these habits by showing writers how to wield the editor’s pen through their own draft document. StyleWriter is an ideal program for anyone who needs to communicate clearly in English. StyleWriter comes in three editions: Starter, Standard and Professional.
To learn more about StyleWriter click here
The Electronic Writing Course teaches you everything you need to know to become a good writer and editor. The Course polishes your writing skills. Work through the ideas, lessons, tips, quizzes, exercises and workshops at your own pace. This two-day course offers thorough training in professional writing and editing techniques. An online demonstration of this Course is available.
To learn more about the Electronic Writing Course click here
Our unique Electronic House Style service lets organizations checks for consistent use of product names, dates, titles and other standards. We usually design an Electronic House Style for our clients who take out a StyleWriter site license. As a guide, an Electronic House Style to check for 2,000 problems in StyleWriter with a dozen help screens typically costs a one-off fee of $25,000.
To learn more about our House Style serviceclick here
Our affiliate program costs nothing and takes just a few minutes to join. You don't need to add any scripts to your website, you just send us your customers and our server-based tracking system takes care of the rest. Earn commissions by introducing our software to your clientsIf you work as a consultant to business or government, run effective writing courses or write newsletters, you can earn money by promoting our software writing solutions. What if I don't have a website?If you know organizations or people who may be interested in StyleWriter, you can earn a commission through our program. We can set up sales pages where you can send your customers and get paid for each sale. Please contact us for more information When do you pay commissions?When a customer buys from a referral from your site, our site automatically emails you a copy of the receipt. You’ll always know how much commission you have earned. We pay your commission quarterly through PayPal.
Video Demonstrations
Introducing StyleWriter The world's largest style and usage checker makes you a professional copy-editor. VIEW DEMO StyleWriter Smart-Spell StyleWriter's revolutionary Smart-Spell™ technology finds errors missed by conventional spellcheckers. VIEW DEMO StyleWriter Jargon Buster Comprehensively checks any document for jargon. Banish corporate speak from writing. Editing Sentences Analyze wordy, complex and long sentences to improve clarity and style. Advanced Statistics Revolutionary readability and style indexes accurately assess your writing. StyleWriter's Audience & Task Advice and readability for different audiences and tasks. VIEW DEMO StyleWriter's Graphs Essential editing information displayed. See your writing style at a glance. StyleWriter's Writing Samples Examples of StyleWriter editing different documents. VIEW DEMO StyleWriter's Editing Speed The quickest style checker available. Check 10,000 words in 12 seconds. Customizing StyleWriter Add your own proofreading and style issues to the most versatile copy-editing software. Writing Course Introduction Teaches you how to write and edit like a professional editor. VIEW DEMO House Style Introduction Using StyleWriter to check your organization's house style preferences.